The program requires that you complete 4 weeks prep which seems quite easy but I will complete them for feedback sake.
It is also recommended that you actually read the book Enter the Kettlebell before following this program as you may not know what some of the exercises are. You can purchase the book from amazon or ebay pretty cheap along with this workbook.
The program sets out 4 training days a week. For the first 4 weeks the layout of the workouts are the same except the number of swings increase by 10 each week. I will be substituting the warm up drills and active rest periods for alternative exercises to keep it as varied as possible.
Week 1
wall squats 10x
halos 10x (20lb kettlebell)
pumps 10x
repeat sequence for 10 mins
RESULT =10 rounds, pretty easy to maintain a round a minute without pushing yourself.
swings 20x (44lbs/20kg)
jumping jacks 1min
swings 20x (44lbs/20kg)
mountain climbers 1min
swings 20x (44lbs/20kg)
burpee push up min
swings 20x (44lbs/20kg)
jog 1min
as many rounds as possible in 12 mins
RESULT=1 full round + everything down to the jog. When I finished the last set of swings there was 50 seconds left so I was 10 secs off making 2 full rounds. If I had known I was that close I would have gone a bit faster.
The workout itself was relatively easy. Im trying to get my form perfect on the swings as this is what the prep workouts are for. Im looking forward to tomorrow.
One of my goals for 2008 is to be capable of entering a girevoy sport competition and not getting slaughtered. I still have a ways to go, but I'm making decent progress. kettlebell instructor