Wednesday, March 31, 2010

khalipa challenge 10

(6th out of 13)
warm up
mobility drills

few sets of front squats, deadlifts, push jerks and power cleans to warm up

3 rounds
10 Deadlift @ 225lbs
10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135lbs
10 Front Squats @ 185lbs
10 Shoulder to overhead @ 135

Time = 17:38

This was brutal. They seem to be getting harder and harder! When I first looked at the WOD I thought between 15 and 20min but in the description Jason said that this was doable in sub 10 !!!!
If someone manages to do this workout sub 10 then I def wanna see it.
Front squats were def the hardest. 185 is 70% of my current max so in theory I should be able to complete 11 reps with with the weight but add a jacked heart rate and a set of deadlifts and power cleans to the equation and it goes out the window I guess!

Heavy met-cons seem to be my nemesis at the moment so I need to get stronger. Looking back over the past few weeks I've def favored more body weight type stuff so I'll be adding one of these style workouts every week from now on.


  1. Hey John - nice work on this WOD! I would love to give it a try but I think the 185# front squats would stop me as I've only ever done 5 reps in a row at that weight. Looking forward to the video posted of the top time next week.

    Also, wanted to let you know I did the 40-30-20 DU, BJ, KB swing WOD this morning - did it in 17:53. I can honestly say the only reason I got this time is the whole time I had your time in my head! Thanks for the motivation!!!

  2. haha, awesome stuff Steve, yeah the front squats were killer on that, It went down to sets of 1s very quickly!
