Thursday, February 4, 2010

ME WK3 Day 2 Cycle 1

warm up
mobility drills
burgner with PVC

BW squats
squats with bar
few sets of 5s and 3s building up

Front Squat 5 x 1
205 ,  215 ,  225 ,  245 , 265

I attempted the 265 twice but failed on both attempts. I probably should have tried a lighter weight but .....


Art of Strength essentials test 
weight - 45lbs KB
each exercise is done for 30 secs - bell cannot touch the floor once you begin.
Right side - start on floor
turkish get up - finish standing
high pull to snatch
long cycle clean
single arm swing
figure 8 to hold (finish with bell in left hand)
Left side
single arm swing
long cycle clean
high pull to snatch
reverse turkish get up

A very short one, but a burner!

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