Thursday, February 25, 2010

So I got up this morning a little sluggish but warm and cosy at the same time. Watched the news while having my breakfast and coffee occasionally glancing out the window at the pissing rain.
It would have been so easy for me to just stay there on the couch and kill some time on the net but I had told myself last night that I was going to run to the gym.
I managed to cover the 6.1kms in 30:35 which I'm pretty happy with. I thought it would take at least 30 so I was right on the button pretty much.

While running in the rain I was looking at all the cars full of people on their way to work, some people looking at me like 'who is this guy running in the rain?' and some people were probably thinking "why is he running in the heavy rain ? surely he can't be enjoying it" The fact is that I wasn't enjoying it. I hated every step I took. The point is that I made myself get up when I didn't want to and slugged it out because I told myself I would.

Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to and sometimes its good to make yourself uncomfortable on purpose. Weather that means running in the rain or going to the gym for the first time in months is relative to you and your abilities.
I choose to put myself in these situations and I always feel good afterwards. The beginning and middle may not be very pleasant but the end always justifies the means.
There are always a million excuses not to do something and the time is never going to be right. You cannot control what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow. The only time you can take full control of is right now, this moment.

So of the 3 people that may actually read this, go out and do the thing that you were putting off doing today. You maybe tired or sore form your workout yesterday, or the kids might need this or that etc etc etc. Just get out there and start doing whatever you need to do. I know it sounds cheesy but seize the moment ! You are in complete control of your life and you have the power to achieve anything you set your mind to, so get out and do it !!!

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