1/2 mile jog from bus stop to gym
mobility drills with emphasis on shoulders
burgner warm up with PVC pipe
few warm up sets of shoulder press 10 @ 45, 10 @ 65, 5 @ 95
Shoulder Press 5 x 3
105 , 115 , 135 , 145 , 155
Im really happy with this. My previous PR for this lift was 145 for 1 rep so I've already beaten that. The handstand push ups along with these workouts must be working!
95lb hang power snatch
handstand pushups (head to 25lb plate)
= 16:55
This was brutal. I though initially I would have gotten sub 10 min but the HSPUs were just too hard after the shoulder presses. I realized it was gonna take a while after the set of 9 but I pushed through and managed to finish.
Im really looking forward to next week to see what my maxes look like.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
mobility drills
3 rounds
5 dips
5 weighted pistols each leg - 25 , 20 , 20
5 frog stand to handstand
rest 3 mins
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 KB swings - 55lbs
10 chest to floor push ups
10 KB snatches each arm - 45lbs
10 KTE (knees to elbows)
= 9:18
rest 5 mins
Turkish Get ups
5 each side (alternating) with 70lb bell
mobility drills
3 rounds
5 dips
5 weighted pistols each leg - 25 , 20 , 20
5 frog stand to handstand
rest 3 mins
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 KB swings - 55lbs
10 chest to floor push ups
10 KB snatches each arm - 45lbs
10 KTE (knees to elbows)
= 9:18
rest 5 mins
Turkish Get ups
5 each side (alternating) with 70lb bell
8 x 200s
mobility drills + 5 mins skipping
400m jog
8 x 200m - 3min rest between each
1: 41.8
2: 38.8
3: 41
4: 41.5
5: 43.8
6: 43.4
7: 40
8: 40.3
My times are pretty consistent but I have nothing to compare them to so I don't really know if they are good or not. Its been a long time since I did sprints.
Today was my first day outside in the Vibrams. I have been working out inside in them for the past few weeks gradually breaking em in but today was the test. They feel awesome as it feels like your bare foot and forced to last mid strike or ball of the foot and it kills when you last on your heal. I'm planning on doing the half in these so lots more to come.
mobility drills + 5 mins skipping
400m jog
8 x 200m - 3min rest between each
1: 41.8
2: 38.8
3: 41
4: 41.5
5: 43.8
6: 43.4
7: 40
8: 40.3
My times are pretty consistent but I have nothing to compare them to so I don't really know if they are good or not. Its been a long time since I did sprints.
Today was my first day outside in the Vibrams. I have been working out inside in them for the past few weeks gradually breaking em in but today was the test. They feel awesome as it feels like your bare foot and forced to last mid strike or ball of the foot and it kills when you last on your heal. I'm planning on doing the half in these so lots more to come.
Friday, January 29, 2010
ME WK2 Day 2 Cycle 1
mobility drills
3 rounds
3 weighted pullups
3 kips
3 muscle ups
Front squat 5 x 3
155 , 185 , 205 , 215 , 225
weights were really good. Im interested to see how well I do next week when I max out on the 1s. My back squat PR is 300 but I might be a little optimistic thinking I'll get around that for the front squat. We'll see.
rest 5 min
KB swings - 44lbs
= 4:25
Not very happy with this time, I could have been a little fatigued from the squats but I would have liked to have been a good bit faster. I managed to get the first 20 pullups unbroken but then slipped off the bar. I had to break but the next 2 sets. All swings were unbroken.
mobility drills
3 rounds
3 weighted pullups
3 kips
3 muscle ups
Front squat 5 x 3
155 , 185 , 205 , 215 , 225
weights were really good. Im interested to see how well I do next week when I max out on the 1s. My back squat PR is 300 but I might be a little optimistic thinking I'll get around that for the front squat. We'll see.
rest 5 min
KB swings - 44lbs
= 4:25
Not very happy with this time, I could have been a little fatigued from the squats but I would have liked to have been a good bit faster. I managed to get the first 20 pullups unbroken but then slipped off the bar. I had to break but the next 2 sets. All swings were unbroken.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
ME WK2 Day 1 Cycle 1
I was pretty surprised at how little soreness I had today but I guess its not a bad thing!
mobility drills + burgner warmup
few warm up sets
power clean 5 x 3
155 , 175 , 195 , 205 , 215
These were all pretty tough. The 2nd last set was a real struggle and I knew I was being a big hopeful on the last set but managed to pull it off. My last rep almost turned into a squat clean but I just managed to keep it up!
Im looking forward to next week to see what my 1Rm will be as I thought originally that it was around 200lbs as thats my max C+J at the moment.
rest 5 mins
for time
50, 40, 30, 20, 10 - double unders + situps
Time = 7:49
Pretty happy with this. Double unders were pretty solid, it was the situps that killed!
mobility drills + burgner warmup
few warm up sets
power clean 5 x 3
155 , 175 , 195 , 205 , 215
These were all pretty tough. The 2nd last set was a real struggle and I knew I was being a big hopeful on the last set but managed to pull it off. My last rep almost turned into a squat clean but I just managed to keep it up!
Im looking forward to next week to see what my 1Rm will be as I thought originally that it was around 200lbs as thats my max C+J at the moment.
rest 5 mins
for time
50, 40, 30, 20, 10 - double unders + situps
Time = 7:49
Pretty happy with this. Double unders were pretty solid, it was the situps that killed!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Filthy Fifty
Warm up
mobility drills + a little double under practice.
for time
50 box jumps -24" box
50 jumping pullups
50 KB swings - 35lbs
50 lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press -45lbs
50 back extensions
50 wall ball - 20 lb ball
50 burpees
50 double unders
Time = 27:15
this sucked so bad I can't even explain! Felt like I was gonna die.
Hardest were def the knees to elbows then wall ball then back extensions. I felt really good about 30 mins afterwards but it really sucked during.
mobility drills + a little double under practice.
for time
50 box jumps -24" box
50 jumping pullups
50 KB swings - 35lbs
50 lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press -45lbs
50 back extensions
50 wall ball - 20 lb ball
50 burpees
50 double unders
Time = 27:15
this sucked so bad I can't even explain! Felt like I was gonna die.
Hardest were def the knees to elbows then wall ball then back extensions. I felt really good about 30 mins afterwards but it really sucked during.
Tempo run
20 minute tempo run @ 90% RPE
Distance = 4.15 km / m
horrible conditions again to be outside. I wasn't quite sure what speed was 90% for me so basically I just ran as far as I could in 20mins. Pace was pretty much the same as my 5 km
Distance = 4.15 km / m
horrible conditions again to be outside. I wasn't quite sure what speed was 90% for me so basically I just ran as far as I could in 20mins. Pace was pretty much the same as my 5 km
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I went out last night so decided to take the day off and hit it hard again tomorrow instead of having a half assed one today.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
ME Wk 1 Day 3 Cycle 1
warm up
5 mins skipping
shoulder mobility drills
diamond push ups
staggered push ups
regular pushups
couple of light sets shoulder press
shoulder press 5 x 5
95, 105, 115, 125, 135
weights were pretty good. This is probably my weakest lift at the moment so I'm happy to be working on it.
Rest 5 mins
30 reps squat clean 95 lbs
Time = 3 min flat
I kinda had an idea that I was gonna be around 3 mins after the first min but really had to push to make it in the last 30 seconds. My hamstrings were geting kinda sore at the bottom of the squat but it's probably from the sprints yesterday.
I'm happy with the time.
5 mins skipping
shoulder mobility drills
diamond push ups
staggered push ups
regular pushups
couple of light sets shoulder press
shoulder press 5 x 5
95, 105, 115, 125, 135
weights were pretty good. This is probably my weakest lift at the moment so I'm happy to be working on it.
Rest 5 mins
30 reps squat clean 95 lbs
Time = 3 min flat
I kinda had an idea that I was gonna be around 3 mins after the first min but really had to push to make it in the last 30 seconds. My hamstrings were geting kinda sore at the bottom of the squat but it's probably from the sprints yesterday.
I'm happy with the time.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Fractured Fran
Everyone at the gym today did Fran so it got me wanting to do it but because I did the sprints less than 2 hours before this workout I thought I'd go a little easy on myself but it didn't work out that way.
I thought this workout would suck less than Fran but its the same amount of just split differently.
9 thrusters 95lbs
9 pullups
5 rounds
Time = 5:38
My current Fran time is 6:52 so I got the work done in less time but not having to do 21 thrusters in a row is a pretty big deal I guess.
Im hopeing to do Fran at in a couple of weeks when I finish my first MEBB cycle so fingers crossed.
I thought this workout would suck less than Fran but its the same amount of just split differently.
9 thrusters 95lbs
9 pullups
5 rounds
Time = 5:38
My current Fran time is 6:52 so I got the work done in less time but not having to do 21 thrusters in a row is a pretty big deal I guess.
Im hopeing to do Fran at in a couple of weeks when I finish my first MEBB cycle so fingers crossed.
4 x 400m
high knees, butt kickers, squat jumps and some othe basic lower body mobility drills to open up the hips.
Jog 400m
4 x 400m with 4 min rest between each one
1: 1:41.7
2: 1:46.6
3: 1:49.7
4: 1:43.8
I was pretty surprised with the last one but I said to myself before hand that I wanted to keep all of them under 1:50. All the tea are pretty sucky anyways but I gues it's just letting me know where I'm at.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
ME WK1 Day 2 Cycle 1
5 minutes skipping mixing in double unders, crossovers etc
3 rounds
5 dead hang pullups
5 dips
10 squats
Front Squat 5x5
135 , 155 , 185 , 205 , 215
The weight selection was pretty much perfect, I almost failed on the last rep on 205 and I thought I wouldn't make 215 but I managed to struggle through all of them maintaining full range and acceptable form. Im pretty happy with 215 for 5.
Rest 5 mins
for time
row 500m
30 DB PP -35lbs each hand
30 pullups
Time = 5:20
This was horrible! Its crazy what you can do to yourself in a little over 5 minutes! I didn't realize how shit my legs were until I got on the rower and suddenly wished I had picked a different exercise. Got through it anyways, had to split up the Push Press's into 3 10's and for the pullups I got 10,10,8,2
I was pretty pissed that I didn't make the last set of 10 cause I slipped off the bar but Im really happy with my kips at the moment.
I'm looking forward to resting tomorrow as my hands are pretty beat up at the moment and need to heal.
Good workout!
5 minutes skipping mixing in double unders, crossovers etc
3 rounds
5 dead hang pullups
5 dips
10 squats
Front Squat 5x5
135 , 155 , 185 , 205 , 215

Rest 5 mins
for time
row 500m
30 DB PP -35lbs each hand
30 pullups
Time = 5:20
This was horrible! Its crazy what you can do to yourself in a little over 5 minutes! I didn't realize how shit my legs were until I got on the rower and suddenly wished I had picked a different exercise. Got through it anyways, had to split up the Push Press's into 3 10's and for the pullups I got 10,10,8,2
I was pretty pissed that I didn't make the last set of 10 cause I slipped off the bar but Im really happy with my kips at the moment.
I'm looking forward to resting tomorrow as my hands are pretty beat up at the moment and need to heal.
Good workout!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Workout this evening was a little sluggish. The run this morning obviously fatigued me more than I thought.
row 1000m
mobility drills
gymnastic skill day 1
5 rounds
5 HSPU- increased range to a 35 plate, def getting easier.
5 pistols each leg
frog stand 10 sec
I did 5 turkish get ups to windmills at the end with a 55lb KB and did light stretch to cool down.
pretty average workout but ok considering I trained this morning as well. It will probably take me a little while to adjust to double sessions.
row 1000m
mobility drills
gymnastic skill day 1
5 rounds
5 HSPU- increased range to a 35 plate, def getting easier.
5 pistols each leg
frog stand 10 sec
I did 5 turkish get ups to windmills at the end with a 55lb KB and did light stretch to cool down.
pretty average workout but ok considering I trained this morning as well. It will probably take me a little while to adjust to double sessions.
First run !!!

Did my first 5km time trial this morning. Conditions were not ideal to say the least as there is snow everywhere but I have my starting point to from from.
Time = 25:30
I had to stop a few times at traffic lights and there were quite a few hills on the route so that could shave about a minute or so off this time but a start is a start.
This evenings workout will be interesting after the run. I haven't pulled a double in a while.
Monday, January 18, 2010
ME WK1 Day 1 Cycle 1
warm up
mobility drills
3 rounds
5 dips
10 pullups
20 squats
burgner warmup
Power Clean 5 x 5
At the beginning I thought that I may have started a bit light but it worked out perfectly. Def had to push the last few at 195.
I tried to make each rep a touch and go, pausing as little as possible.

rest 5 mins
for time
KB snatch ladder descending - 35lb bell
20, 16,12,10,8 (20 right, 20 left, 16 right etc)
= 5 mins flat - this was pretty tough, really good burst at the end to finish off the workout.
I played around a bit on the parallettes at the end and had a pretty good stretch.
mobility drills
3 rounds
5 dips
10 pullups
20 squats
burgner warmup
Power Clean 5 x 5
At the beginning I thought that I may have started a bit light but it worked out perfectly. Def had to push the last few at 195.
I tried to make each rep a touch and go, pausing as little as possible.
rest 5 mins
for time
KB snatch ladder descending - 35lb bell
20, 16,12,10,8 (20 right, 20 left, 16 right etc)
= 5 mins flat - this was pretty tough, really good burst at the end to finish off the workout.
I played around a bit on the parallettes at the end and had a pretty good stretch.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Max Effort Black Box Training (MEBB)
Tomorrow I will be starting to cycle my strength work into my Crossfit workouts with a little more structure. Assuming I will be doing the 3 on 1 off system, 3 times a week I will be doing ME(max effort) days with either a short metcon at the end or simply just lift on that particular day and in between the ME days I will be doing normal crossfit workouts. I have also just registered for a 1/2 marathon in May and I will be trying to do 2-3 runs a week which will be done on the same day as another strength workout but spaced at least 4 hours apart. Depending on how I feel and my schedule each strength cycle may take longer than 3 weeks, below is just an example of a perfect 3 weeks.
Each cycle takes 3 weeks on a particular exercise and I will be using one exercise from each group.
Total Body (TB) -Clean, Snatch, Deadlift, Push Press, Push Jerk and all the variables in between eg: Hang Power Clean, Squat Clean etc
Lower Body(LB) - Front Squat & Back Squat
Upper Body (UB) - Shoulder Press, weighted pullups, weighted dips
What I am going to do is pick one exercise from each group, go through the 3 week cycle for each and then pick 3 new exercises for the next cycle.
Week 1 - 5x5
Week 2 - 5x3
Week 3 - 5x1
The idea is to set a new PR in each lift at the end of the 3 weeks, then you cycle 3 new exercises for the next 3 weeks and so on.
Here is a template of my first cycle.
The exercises I will be using for the first cycle are
TB- Power Clean
LB- Back Squat
UB- Shoulder Press
If I can stick to this general outline I will be very happy. With regards to the crossfit workouts I will be continuing with my gymnastic skill based warmups twice a week with a 10-15 min WOD and on other CF days I will be doing a long ish workout 15- 20 mins minus the gymnastic work at the beginning.
On the ME days I will be doing skills and drills in relation to the movement I will be doing on that particular day.
I need to be careful throughout this process so as not to over train so as always I will listen to my body and take extra rest days if needed.
Each cycle takes 3 weeks on a particular exercise and I will be using one exercise from each group.
Total Body (TB) -Clean, Snatch, Deadlift, Push Press, Push Jerk and all the variables in between eg: Hang Power Clean, Squat Clean etc
Lower Body(LB) - Front Squat & Back Squat
Upper Body (UB) - Shoulder Press, weighted pullups, weighted dips
What I am going to do is pick one exercise from each group, go through the 3 week cycle for each and then pick 3 new exercises for the next cycle.
Week 1 - 5x5
Week 2 - 5x3
Week 3 - 5x1
The idea is to set a new PR in each lift at the end of the 3 weeks, then you cycle 3 new exercises for the next 3 weeks and so on.
Here is a template of my first cycle.
The exercises I will be using for the first cycle are
TB- Power Clean
LB- Back Squat
UB- Shoulder Press
If I can stick to this general outline I will be very happy. With regards to the crossfit workouts I will be continuing with my gymnastic skill based warmups twice a week with a 10-15 min WOD and on other CF days I will be doing a long ish workout 15- 20 mins minus the gymnastic work at the beginning.
On the ME days I will be doing skills and drills in relation to the movement I will be doing on that particular day.
I need to be careful throughout this process so as not to over train so as always I will listen to my body and take extra rest days if needed.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Im going to take the next 2 days off to fully recover and Im starting a new program on monday which I will detail tomorrow.
This a paragraph taken out of one of my favorite books and I thought it could be a little food for thought for who ever stumbles across it.
There is a paradox here. On the one hand, how can we deny the reality of time? You need it to go from here to there, to prepare a meal, build a house, read this book. you need time to grow up, to learn new things. Whatever you do seems to take time. Everything is subject to it and eventually "this bloody tyrant time," as Shakespeare calls it, is going to kill you. You could compare it to a raging river that drags you along with it, or a fire in which everything is consumed.
I recently met some old friends, a family I had not seen in a long time, and I was shocked when I saw them. I almost asked, "Are you ill? What happened? Who did this to you?" The mother, who walked with a cane, seemed to have shrunk in size, her face shriveled like an old apple. The daughter, who had been full of energy, enthusiasm, and the exceptions of youth when I last saw her, seemed worn out, tired after bringing up three children. Then I remembered: Almost thirty years had passed since we last met. Time had done this to them. And I'm sure they were just as shocked when they saw me.
Everything seems to be subject to time, yet it all happens in the Now. That is the paradox. Wherever you look, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence for the reality of time - a rotting apple, your face in the bathroom mirror compared to your face in a photo taken thirty years ago - yet you never find any direct evidence, you never experience time itself. You only ever experience the present moment, or rather what happens in it. If you go by direct evidence only, then there is no time, and the Now is all there ever is.
If you have not heard of this book I suggest you read it, its called "A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle"
It really is an awesome book.
This a paragraph taken out of one of my favorite books and I thought it could be a little food for thought for who ever stumbles across it.
The Paradox of Time
On the surface, the present moment is "what happens." Since what happens changes continuously, it seems that everyday of your life consists of thousands of moments which different things happen. Time is seen as the endless succession of moments, some "good," and some "bad." Yet, if you look more closely, that is to say, through your own immediate experience, you find that there is only ever this moment. Life is always now. Your entire life unfolds in this constant now. Even past or future moments only exist when you remember or anticipate them, and you do so by thinking about them in the only moment there is: this one. Why does it appear then as if there are many moments ? Because the present moment is confused with what happens in that space. The confusion of the present moment with content gives rise not only to the illusion of time, but also to the illusion of ego.There is a paradox here. On the one hand, how can we deny the reality of time? You need it to go from here to there, to prepare a meal, build a house, read this book. you need time to grow up, to learn new things. Whatever you do seems to take time. Everything is subject to it and eventually "this bloody tyrant time," as Shakespeare calls it, is going to kill you. You could compare it to a raging river that drags you along with it, or a fire in which everything is consumed.

Everything seems to be subject to time, yet it all happens in the Now. That is the paradox. Wherever you look, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence for the reality of time - a rotting apple, your face in the bathroom mirror compared to your face in a photo taken thirty years ago - yet you never find any direct evidence, you never experience time itself. You only ever experience the present moment, or rather what happens in it. If you go by direct evidence only, then there is no time, and the Now is all there ever is.
If you have not heard of this book I suggest you read it, its called "A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle"
It really is an awesome book.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Kettlebells + pullups
Today I was still feeling a bit low on energy but worked out out anyway.
mobility drills

Gymnastics day 1
5 rounds
5 hand stand push ups - easiest they have been so far- Im going to increase my range next time
5 pistols each leg
5 GHD back + hip ext
10 sec frog stand- Im starting to be able to take one leg away!
for time:
KB snatch 10 reps each side
10 pullups
H2H swing 10 each side
10 pullups
clean & press 10 each side
10 pullups
squat 10 holding bell each side
10 pullups
Time = 7mins flat.
This was a pretty tough short burst workout. I managed to do all the sets of pullups unbroken which I'm happy about. The snatches were by far the worst, not so much the weight, it just kills my already riped up hands!
I used a 44lbs bell for all exercises
My love for the bells has returned!!!!
mobility drills

Gymnastics day 1
5 rounds
5 hand stand push ups - easiest they have been so far- Im going to increase my range next time
5 pistols each leg
5 GHD back + hip ext
10 sec frog stand- Im starting to be able to take one leg away!
for time:
KB snatch 10 reps each side
10 pullups
H2H swing 10 each side
10 pullups
clean & press 10 each side
10 pullups
squat 10 holding bell each side
10 pullups
Time = 7mins flat.
This was a pretty tough short burst workout. I managed to do all the sets of pullups unbroken which I'm happy about. The snatches were by far the worst, not so much the weight, it just kills my already riped up hands!
I used a 44lbs bell for all exercises
My love for the bells has returned!!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I decided to take another rest day as I dont feel too good. Just a little week. I had some shots from the doctor and was told that I may feel like this so its best to listen to my body and just rest up.
hopefully ill be back at it again tomorrow.
hopefully ill be back at it again tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Amazing Grace.
Today I attempted Grace (30 reps clean and jerk @ 135lbs) but failed! It was not my fault though. I got to the gym all fired up and warmed up as normal.
hip + shoulder mobility
arm circles
high knees
butt kickers
burgner warm up with barbell
I then went into a few sets of cleans with nice light weight and built up to the 135.
I started away 3 2 1 GO and after my 10th rep these was so much dust coming from the floor that it set off the fire alarm! I have the whole thing on video which I might post but it pissed me off more than anything.
so my workout was effectively ruined!
After the 3 fire trucks had left and the landlord had a word with me I tried to continue with my workout but just did 5 rounds of 5 pullups and 5 dips and did some TGU's with a 55lbs DB after.
Im gonna kill tomorrow to try and make up for today!
hip + shoulder mobility
arm circles
high knees
butt kickers
burgner warm up with barbell
I then went into a few sets of cleans with nice light weight and built up to the 135.
I started away 3 2 1 GO and after my 10th rep these was so much dust coming from the floor that it set off the fire alarm! I have the whole thing on video which I might post but it pissed me off more than anything.
so my workout was effectively ruined!
After the 3 fire trucks had left and the landlord had a word with me I tried to continue with my workout but just did 5 rounds of 5 pullups and 5 dips and did some TGU's with a 55lbs DB after.
Im gonna kill tomorrow to try and make up for today!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
I decided to test myself again today with a benchmark WOD. Over the next while Im going to be trying to complete as many of the benchmarks as possible so I can better track my results.
5 mins skipping mixing in crossovers & double unders
mobility drills- hip mobility circuit + shoulder mobility circuit
for time
1000m row
50 thrusters -45lbs
30 pullups
= 9:38
I didn't do any strength work prior to this workout as I knew it would be taxing.
Im pretty happy with my time and according to a 'benchmark standards' file that I have I'm ranked in between advanced & elite. advanced being 10mins and elite being 6.5mins. In the other benchmarks I have done so far Im in between intermediate & advanced. which I'm pretty happy about.
I was quite surprised when I saw this ranking as I felt like I would have gotten a faster time if someone had been there pushing me but who know.
The row was pretty good. 3m30sec or so, the thrusters sucked but more of a cardio thing than anything else, same with the pullups, I got the first 10 solid then sets of 5 for the rest. My kips have def come a long a lot in the last month or so which Im stoked about.
Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day but I might train if I'm feeling good as today was pretty short.
5 mins skipping mixing in crossovers & double unders
mobility drills- hip mobility circuit + shoulder mobility circuit
for time
1000m row
50 thrusters -45lbs
30 pullups
= 9:38
I didn't do any strength work prior to this workout as I knew it would be taxing.
Im pretty happy with my time and according to a 'benchmark standards' file that I have I'm ranked in between advanced & elite. advanced being 10mins and elite being 6.5mins. In the other benchmarks I have done so far Im in between intermediate & advanced. which I'm pretty happy about.
I was quite surprised when I saw this ranking as I felt like I would have gotten a faster time if someone had been there pushing me but who know.
The row was pretty good. 3m30sec or so, the thrusters sucked but more of a cardio thing than anything else, same with the pullups, I got the first 10 solid then sets of 5 for the rest. My kips have def come a long a lot in the last month or so which Im stoked about.
Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day but I might train if I'm feeling good as today was pretty short.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sunday funday
I had a late workout today which ended up being quite good.
dynamic stretching
Gymnastics level 3 (intermediate)
Day 2
5 rounds
3 weighted pullups - 20 lbs - getting stronger, I may increase the weight soon
3 muscle ups - I have changed from muscle up rows to muscles ups just to work a little more strength
3 kips - for was ok, seemed better on the last round
3 frog to headstand - getting very good at these now but it will be a while before I can press into a handstand from this position.
OHS - 5, 3, 3, 1
135, 155, 165, 175
I feel like I could do a good bit more weight but its the jerk that is the problem. As my shoulders get stronger this should increase.
Snatch 6x2 - 80% of 1RM on the minute - this was pretty good. It was manageable but def got challenging towards the end.
rest 5 mins then
5 x 30 secs on 30 secs off KB swings @ 44lbs
I thought at first that this was gonna be easy as the prescribed weight for it was 35lbs but it was pretty hard by the last round.
Turkish get ups squat style 5 each side with 55lbs - this was tough.
pretty slow pace workout today but it was still v good.
dynamic stretching
Gymnastics level 3 (intermediate)
Day 2
5 rounds
3 weighted pullups - 20 lbs - getting stronger, I may increase the weight soon
3 muscle ups - I have changed from muscle up rows to muscles ups just to work a little more strength
3 kips - for was ok, seemed better on the last round
3 frog to headstand - getting very good at these now but it will be a while before I can press into a handstand from this position.
OHS - 5, 3, 3, 1
135, 155, 165, 175
I feel like I could do a good bit more weight but its the jerk that is the problem. As my shoulders get stronger this should increase.
Snatch 6x2 - 80% of 1RM on the minute - this was pretty good. It was manageable but def got challenging towards the end.
rest 5 mins then
5 x 30 secs on 30 secs off KB swings @ 44lbs
I thought at first that this was gonna be easy as the prescribed weight for it was 35lbs but it was pretty hard by the last round.
Turkish get ups squat style 5 each side with 55lbs - this was tough.
pretty slow pace workout today but it was still v good.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
shoulder mobility
shoulder mobility
Gymnastics level 3 (intermediate) warmup
Day 1
Upper body pressing
5 sets of
HSPU x 5 - against the wall, forehead to touch 45lb plate - easier than last time for sure, I might try for a little more range the next time
Frog stand x 10 seconds - pretty easy today
3sets of
1. 5 pistols each leg - right leg is getting better but still a little shaky
2. Back + hip extensions x 5 - no problems
Deadlift 5 x 5
185, 195, 245, 255, 260
these were pretty tough. the last set works out to be %80 of my 1RM
-rest 5 mins-
100 chest to floor pushups for time.
= 8:00
Push ups and dips are probably my 2 biggest weaknesses at the moment. Even when I was in thailand we had to do 100 pushups at the end of class twice a day and I never seemed to get any better at them but I'm hoping crossfit will help me out ! It really annoys me that some people can do 100 straight up but oh well.
Friday, January 8, 2010
I really wanted to train today but managed not to let my self. I'm pretty sore from yesterday so I need the rest.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Today was Interesting. I went into the gym with the intention of having a nice easy one but it didn't work out that way!
warmup up
KB flow drill
10 reps each exercise, switch sides + repeat.
- shoulder mobility with PVC
AMRAP 20 mins
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
18 rounds + 2 pullups!
my previous PR was 17 rounds so I'm very happy with this. The push ups are what gets me. I feel like could go forever on the squats and the pullups but the pushups are killer! after round 5 my kips started to feel a lot more natural. The first few rounds were very forced but I'm really starting to feel them now.
I had planned before the workout that I was just going to do 10 minutes but when I got to 10 minutes I had exactly 10 rounds done so I knew I could push another 8.
very good session.
warmup up
KB flow drill
10 reps each exercise, switch sides + repeat.
- shoulder mobility with PVC
AMRAP 20 mins
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
18 rounds + 2 pullups!
my previous PR was 17 rounds so I'm very happy with this. The push ups are what gets me. I feel like could go forever on the squats and the pullups but the pushups are killer! after round 5 my kips started to feel a lot more natural. The first few rounds were very forced but I'm really starting to feel them now.
I had planned before the workout that I was just going to do 10 minutes but when I got to 10 minutes I had exactly 10 rounds done so I knew I could push another 8.
very good session.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I have an issue with my foot at the moment so Im a little bit limited in terms of what I can do with lower body stuff but I'm sure I'll manage.
arm circles, shoulder mobility, dynamic stretching
Gymnastics level 3 (Intermediate)
Day 2
5 rounds
3 weighted pullups - 20lbs
3 muscle up rows - full hang to bottom of dip - difficult especially the last round but getting better.
3 kipping pullups - getting better
Frog to headstand x 3 - getting quite solid at these now, I can pretty much hold them as long as I want. I'm looking forward to being able to press into a handstand from here.
Shoulder press 5 x 5 @ 87% of 1RM
1RM = 145lbs at the moment so I used 125 for the 5 sets. It was very tough. The last round almost didn't make the last rep so was pretty much perfect weight.
arm circles, shoulder mobility, dynamic stretching
Gymnastics level 3 (Intermediate)
Day 2
5 rounds
3 weighted pullups - 20lbs
3 muscle up rows - full hang to bottom of dip - difficult especially the last round but getting better.
3 kipping pullups - getting better
Frog to headstand x 3 - getting quite solid at these now, I can pretty much hold them as long as I want. I'm looking forward to being able to press into a handstand from here.
Shoulder press 5 x 5 @ 87% of 1RM
1RM = 145lbs at the moment so I used 125 for the 5 sets. It was very tough. The last round almost didn't make the last rep so was pretty much perfect weight.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Pull + Push
I was really not feeling it today but those days happen.
skipping 5 mins, arm circles, high knees, butt kickers etc.
I've finally got double unders now! I did 13 unbroken during the 5 mins along with 3 sets of 10 unbroken. It just shows what a little practice can do.
skipping 5 mins, arm circles, high knees, butt kickers etc.
I've finally got double unders now! I did 13 unbroken during the 5 mins along with 3 sets of 10 unbroken. It just shows what a little practice can do.
Gymnastics level 3 (intermediate) warmup
Day 1
Upper body pressing
5 sets of
HSPU x 5 - against the wall, forehead to touch 45lb plate - these were tough today, arms were really tired
Frog stand x 10 seconds - again these were a lot harder for me to do today
3sets of
1. 5 pistols each leg - right leg is getting better but still a little shaky
2. Back + hip extensions x 5 - no problems, focussing on going nice and slow.
for time.
10 dips
1 pullup
9 dips
2 pullups
8 dips
3 pullups
7 dips
4 pullups
6 dips
5 pullups
5 dips
6 pullups
4 dips
7 pullups
3 dips
8 pullups
2 dips
2 dips
9 pullups
1 dips
10 pullups
Time = 13:59
This was horrible. I purposely designed this workout as I know dips are my biggest weakness and that I need to work on them. The pullups weren't really a problem until the last set which was pretty much 1+1+1 but after the first set of dips I was toast. My triceps may have been fatigued from the HSPUs but I dunno. Im just going to have to start working on them a lot more from now on, maybe incorporate them a little more into my warmups.
10 pullups
Time = 13:59
This was horrible. I purposely designed this workout as I know dips are my biggest weakness and that I need to work on them. The pullups weren't really a problem until the last set which was pretty much 1+1+1 but after the first set of dips I was toast. My triceps may have been fatigued from the HSPUs but I dunno. Im just going to have to start working on them a lot more from now on, maybe incorporate them a little more into my warmups.
Monday, January 4, 2010
No workout today but I walked like 5 miles so I guess that can be considered active rest!
Heres a little food for thought from the coach himself.
-world class fitness in 100 words-
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Crossfit Total
I trained with mike and Gill today. We decided to do the CF total which consists of back squat, shoulder press & dead lift. The idea is to get a 1RM on each then add the weights together and thats your score.
You have 3 attempts at each movement. A full explanation of how to do the total can be found here
skipping 2 or 3 mins
mobility - arm circles, leg kicks etc
3 rounds
5 pullups
10 push ups
15 squats
CF Total
1RM BS - 300
1RM SP - 145
1RM DL - 325
Score = 770
For each of the 3 movements we did about 3 warm up sets. 5, 3, 2 increasing the weight each time then 3 working sets.
Back Squat working sets : 250, 285, 300. This was a new PR for me by 15lbs. Pretty happy with it.
Shoulder Press working sets: 135,140,145. I had not tested this before today so its a new max but I feel like I could have done at least another 5 pounds.
Dead Lift working sets: 275,305,325. New PR by 10lbs! Pretty happy with this as well but I also feel like I could have gone a bit heavier.
All in all Im happy with my score but I will know for next time to push it a bit more.
No stretch!!!!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Modified Helen
A little tired from yesterday but ready for it today.
5 min skipping, the DU's are finally coming! really starting to feel them now.
Gymnastics level 3 (intermediate)
Day 2
Upper body pulling
5 sets
weighted pullups x 3
muscle up rows x 2
Core/lower back
tuck L-sit on rings 10 seconds
tuck/straddle press to headstand x 3
The pullups were really hard today for some reason, the first 3 rounds I used a 30lb dumbbell and for the last 2 I just did BW.
muscle up rows were fine, I could probably have made them harder.
L-sit on the rings was pretty easy as well. The tuck to handstand was quite difficult, def looking forward to being able to do a full press to handstand some time in the near future.
modified Helen
3 rounds
row 400m
21 KB swings
12 pullups
Time = 10:23
This was a killer! Again I was trying to get a sub 10 on it but it just wasn't happening today. My pull ups are by far my biggest weakest link, especially when I am fatigued. I just cannot maintain the swing. The first round was something like 3 4s the 2nd was 4 3s and in the last round I actually managed 5 butterfly kips without even trying, it just kind of happened. I was really happy with this.
As with a lot of the other bench mark WODs involving pullups I feel as though I will crush my times when my pullups improve.
light stretch for cool down
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year
I decided to kick the new year off with a good hard workout.
The WOD was from crossfitendurance but I added my own warm up and a little bit extra at the end.
Gymnastics level 3 (intermediate) warmup
Day 1
Upper body pressing
5 sets of
1. HSPU x 5 - against the wall, forehead to touch 45lb plate
2. Frog stand x 10 seconds - relatively easy for me but got harder as my shoulders fatigued
3sets of
1. 5 pistols each leg - pretty easy for me on the left but again my right needs more work but got through them all
2. Back + hip extensions x 5 - pretty easy.
Jumprope barefoot 10 mins mixing in DU's, crossovers, single leg, running. --This was quite hard, I made it as difficult as possible trying to go as fast as possible. It hurt so much though when you are doing double unders and the rope hits your toe! It happened a lot but I guess the moral is to get better at them and not hit my toe, easier said than done though.
5 minute rest
The WOD was from crossfitendurance but I added my own warm up and a little bit extra at the end.
Gymnastics level 3 (intermediate) warmup
Day 1
Upper body pressing
5 sets of
1. HSPU x 5 - against the wall, forehead to touch 45lb plate
2. Frog stand x 10 seconds - relatively easy for me but got harder as my shoulders fatigued
3sets of
1. 5 pistols each leg - pretty easy for me on the left but again my right needs more work but got through them all
2. Back + hip extensions x 5 - pretty easy.
Jumprope barefoot 10 mins mixing in DU's, crossovers, single leg, running. --This was quite hard, I made it as difficult as possible trying to go as fast as possible. It hurt so much though when you are doing double unders and the rope hits your toe! It happened a lot but I guess the moral is to get better at them and not hit my toe, easier said than done though.
5 minute rest
5 rounds
12 push press @ 135lbs
20 box jumps @ 20" (prescribed box is 24" but the biggest we have is 20)
Time = 11:53
I would like to have got a sub 10 on this but it just wasn't in me today. The push presses were too heavy for me. By the last round I was doing 2+2+2+2 to make it to the 12. To obtain the desired intensity I would have been better off using 100lbs. I haven't yet recorded my max PP so I couldn't work out the right % but all good.
The workout was a killer and thats the main thing.
To cool down I did 5 turkish get ups each side with 45lbs then had a stretch.
Just as I was finished my wife arrived and I trained her for an hour then we both walked the 3.5 miles home!
Very good way to start our year.
Time = 11:53
I would like to have got a sub 10 on this but it just wasn't in me today. The push presses were too heavy for me. By the last round I was doing 2+2+2+2 to make it to the 12. To obtain the desired intensity I would have been better off using 100lbs. I haven't yet recorded my max PP so I couldn't work out the right % but all good.
The workout was a killer and thats the main thing.
To cool down I did 5 turkish get ups each side with 45lbs then had a stretch.
Just as I was finished my wife arrived and I trained her for an hour then we both walked the 3.5 miles home!
Very good way to start our year.
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