Monday, January 11, 2010


I decided to test myself again today with a benchmark WOD. Over the next while Im going to be trying to complete as many of the benchmarks as possible so I can better track my results.

5 mins skipping mixing in crossovers & double unders
mobility drills- hip mobility circuit + shoulder mobility circuit

for time
1000m row
50 thrusters -45lbs
30 pullups
= 9:38

I didn't do any strength work prior to this workout as I knew it would be taxing.
Im pretty happy with my time and according to a 'benchmark standards' file that I have I'm ranked in between advanced & elite. advanced being 10mins and elite being 6.5mins. In the other benchmarks I have done so far Im in between intermediate & advanced. which I'm pretty happy about.

I was quite surprised when I saw this ranking as I felt like I would have gotten a faster time if someone had been there pushing me but who know.
The row was pretty good. 3m30sec or so, the thrusters sucked but more of a cardio thing than anything else, same with the pullups, I got the first 10 solid then sets of 5 for the rest. My kips have def come a long a lot in the last month or so which Im stoked about.
Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day but I might train if I'm feeling good as today was pretty short.

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