A little tired from yesterday but ready for it today.
5 min skipping, the DU's are finally coming! really starting to feel them now.
Gymnastics level 3 (intermediate)
Day 2
Upper body pulling
5 sets
weighted pullups x 3
muscle up rows x 2
Core/lower back
tuck L-sit on rings 10 seconds
tuck/straddle press to headstand x 3
The pullups were really hard today for some reason, the first 3 rounds I used a 30lb dumbbell and for the last 2 I just did BW.
muscle up rows were fine, I could probably have made them harder.
L-sit on the rings was pretty easy as well. The tuck to handstand was quite difficult, def looking forward to being able to do a full press to handstand some time in the near future.
modified Helen
3 rounds
row 400m
21 KB swings
12 pullups
Time = 10:23
This was a killer! Again I was trying to get a sub 10 on it but it just wasn't happening today. My pull ups are by far my biggest weakest link, especially when I am fatigued. I just cannot maintain the swing. The first round was something like 3 4s the 2nd was 4 3s and in the last round I actually managed 5 butterfly kips without even trying, it just kind of happened. I was really happy with this.
As with a lot of the other bench mark WODs involving pullups I feel as though I will crush my times when my pullups improve.
light stretch for cool down
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