Sunday, January 17, 2010

Max Effort Black Box Training (MEBB)

Tomorrow I will be starting to cycle my strength work into my Crossfit workouts with a little more structure. Assuming I will be doing the 3 on 1 off system, 3 times a week I will be doing ME(max effort) days with either a short metcon at the end or simply just lift on that particular day and in between the ME days I will be doing normal crossfit workouts. I have also just registered for a 1/2 marathon in May and I will be trying to do 2-3 runs a week which will be done on the same day as another strength workout but spaced at least 4 hours apart. Depending on how I feel and my schedule each strength cycle may take longer than 3 weeks, below is just an example of a perfect 3 weeks.
Each cycle takes 3 weeks on a particular exercise and I will be using one exercise from each group.

Total Body (TB) -Clean, Snatch, Deadlift, Push Press, Push Jerk and all the variables in between eg: Hang Power Clean, Squat Clean etc
Lower Body(LB) - Front Squat & Back Squat
Upper Body (UB) - Shoulder Press, weighted pullups, weighted dips

What I am going to do is pick one exercise from each group, go through the 3 week cycle for each and then pick 3 new exercises for the next cycle.
Week 1 - 5x5
Week 2 - 5x3
Week 3 - 5x1
The idea is to set a new PR in each lift at the end of the 3 weeks, then you cycle 3 new exercises for the next 3 weeks and so on.

Here is a template of my first cycle.

The exercises I will be using for the first cycle are
TB- Power Clean
LB- Back Squat
UB- Shoulder Press

If I can stick to this general outline I will be very happy. With regards to the crossfit workouts I will be continuing with my gymnastic skill based warmups twice a week with a 10-15 min WOD and on other CF days I will be doing a long ish workout 15- 20 mins minus the gymnastic work at the beginning.
On the ME days I will be doing skills and drills in relation to the movement I will be doing on that particular day.
I need to be careful throughout this process so as not to over train so as always I will listen to my body and take extra rest days if needed.

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