They are the Day 1 workouts from the Hawaii Sectionals which have not taken place as of yet.
Before each workout I'm going to do my usual dynamic warmup including the movements which will be preformed in the workouts.
I'll update this post after I do each one.
Also I don't know how much time they allocate for rest etc after each event but I will be completing all 3 workouts within 6 hours.
WOD 1 "Nasty Girls"
3 Rounds for time:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans 135lbs
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans 135lbs
Time = 9:55 - I was shooting for sub 10 on this so right on target 1st round was about 2:30 second was 3:30 and the 3rd took just under 4. The squats were easy just burned, muscle ups were tough and the cleans weren't really heavy it was just cardio.
The next ones gonna be tough!
The next ones gonna be tough!
Rest 2 1/2 hours
WOD 2 "Skill Session A"
1. 30 Unbroken Kipping Pull Ups - Pass New PR ! I was able to maintain the swing the whole way though so very happy
2. 10 Unbroken Overhead Squats 135lbs - Pass - Balance was the most challenging but I found it pretty easy
3. 10 Unbroken One-legged Squats - each leg - Pass - a little fatigued after the squats but got through em without any real difficulty
4. 45 20-inch Box Jumps completed in one minute - Pass - 55 seconds
*5. 2 Unbroken Hand Stand Push-ups - Pass - I'm not sure what the range standards were for this but I went head below the parallettes and back up to full extension. I was most worried about these and I actually surprised myself by completing both reps.
2. 10 Unbroken Overhead Squats 135lbs - Pass - Balance was the most challenging but I found it pretty easy
3. 10 Unbroken One-legged Squats - each leg - Pass - a little fatigued after the squats but got through em without any real difficulty
4. 45 20-inch Box Jumps completed in one minute - Pass - 55 seconds
*5. 2 Unbroken Hand Stand Push-ups - Pass - I'm not sure what the range standards were for this but I went head below the parallettes and back up to full extension. I was most worried about these and I actually surprised myself by completing both reps.
* use paralettes for HSPU while women complete reps from the floor.
** All tests are pass/fail. Each athlete has one chance at each test. Successful execution of each movement awards the athlete 2 points.
I completed all the tasks above in about 20 minutes. Again I'm not sure on the competition standards but I just took about 2 min rest between each exercise. In the actual competition they may run it as a WOD but I'm not sure.
** All tests are pass/fail. Each athlete has one chance at each test. Successful execution of each movement awards the athlete 2 points.
I completed all the tasks above in about 20 minutes. Again I'm not sure on the competition standards but I just took about 2 min rest between each exercise. In the actual competition they may run it as a WOD but I'm not sure.
My legs are pretty shot now so we'll see how the next one goes.
Im gonna shoot for sub 10 mins on it which I feel is well achievable.
Im gonna shoot for sub 10 mins on it which I feel is well achievable.
Rest 1 1/2 hours
For time:
150 Double-unders
9 Deadlifts 315lbs
100 Double-unders
6 Deadlifts 315lbs
50 Double-unders
3 Deadlifts 315lbs
150 Double-unders
9 Deadlifts 315lbs
100 Double-unders
6 Deadlifts 315lbs
50 Double-unders
3 Deadlifts 315lbs
Time = 10:17 - Just over my goal but I honestly couldn't have gone any harder or faster. It was brutal. The deads were really heavy for me and had to do sets of 1 on each.
Im really happy with the 3 workouts today and this week as a whole has been really good. I PR'd on my deadlift, snatch, double unders and pullups so I'm stoked!
I'm going to take a rest day tomorrow as I'm running 10kms on Sun and I want to be fresh.
Im really happy with the 3 workouts today and this week as a whole has been really good. I PR'd on my deadlift, snatch, double unders and pullups so I'm stoked!
I'm going to take a rest day tomorrow as I'm running 10kms on Sun and I want to be fresh.
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