Friday, March 5, 2010

I probably should have rested today but I'm going up north tomorrow anyways so I can rest then.

dynamic drills

bergner warm up with PVC pipe + twice with 45lb bar.

5 squat cleans with bar
5 with 65lbs
5 with 85lbs
5 with 115lbs
5 with 135lbs

I wasn't trying to lift heavy on this one, I was just working on form more than anything.

rest a few mins then

AMRAP 10 min
2 muscle ups
8 KB swings @ 55lbs

= 6 rounds + 2 muscle ups + 1 HSPU

This was a pretty good workout but it wasn't really that tiring. My Handstand pushups are def the limiting factor up untill the 4th round I was averaging less than a minute per round and then I just kept failing on the HSPUs and had to take rest before completing each set.
The muscle ups were good, Doing them in sets of 2 is good for me to build into doing multiples.

Starting monday I'm going to attack my shoulders a little more as they are my biggest weakness for things like dips, push ups, handstand push ups and overhead press.
Also I will be trying to set a new max deadlift on monday so fingers crossed.

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