Sunday, December 6, 2009


Today I decided to do the Art of Strength Newport work out. I'm going to use this workout as a benchmark workout to gauge progression.

Round 1
side 2 side stretch
squat thrust with a snatch 20lb KB (alternating snatch left/right)

30 seconds each exercise, repeat for 3 minutes

1 minute bicycles

Rest 1 min

Round 2
single arm thruster 44lbs
single arm swing 44lbs

30 seconds each exercise then switch sides, repeat for 4 minutes

leg raises - 20 seconds straight up, 30 seconds side to side.

Rest 1 min

Round 3
2 handed swing 44lbs
hot potato 20lbs

30 seconds each exercise, repeat for 4 minutes

twisting crunch 1 min; 10 count, 8 count, 6 count, 4, 2

Rest 1 min

Round 4
punch matrix

30 seconds each exercise, repeat for 3 minutes

leg raise - elbow to knee 1 min - switch sides after 30 seconds

Rest 1 min 

Round 5
side snatch
overhead static lunge

30 seconds each exercise, switch sides,  repeat for 4 minutes

side plank, elbow to floor - 30 seconds each side

Rest 1 min

Round 6
squat + knee 20lb
sots press 20lb

30 seconds each exercise, switch sides + repeat total 2 mins

standing oblique crunch 30 seconds each side

Rest 1 min

Round 7 
hand to hand cleans 44lbs
dragon lunge

30 seconds each exercise, repeat for 2 minutes

Russian twists with KB 20lbs  15 secs normal, 15 bicycles + repeat

Rest 1 min

Round 8
kettlebell push up
dive bomber cobra

30 seconds each exercise, repeat for 3 minutes.

Janda crunch 1 min.

Result= 30 minute workout not including the rest periods.

This was a really good workout, quite challenging even though on some of the exercises I used quite a light bell. You could choose to do this work out in different ways depending on the type of weight you use.
1 - use a light weight and burn yourself out cardio wise
2- use a weight that is comfortable for you and work more on muscular endurance
3- use a heavy weight that is quite challenging for you and do the exercises slowly and focus on strength.

I think this time for me I fell somewhere in between 1 & 2.

quick stretch to cool down.

Beginning of week 2 of Enter the kettlebell tomorrow.

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